

1. 收入的持续稳定增长,激发了贫困群众提升生活品质、丰富精神文化生活的需求,拉动了庞大的农村消费,为促进国内大循环提供了支撑。

A steady increase in incomes has created higher demand for life quality and cultural activities. This has stimulated a surge in consumption in rural areas, and provided support for the domestic economy.

2. 优秀文化传承弘扬。加强贫困地区传统文化、特色文化、民族文化的保护、传承和弘扬,贫困地区优秀文化繁荣发展。

Cultural heritage has been protected. China has strengthened the protection and promotion of traditional culture, folk culture and ethnic culture in poor areas to maintain a wealth of cultural diversity.

3. 实施国家传统工艺振兴工程,引导和推动革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区保护好、发展好当地优秀传统技艺。

It has implemented the Plan on the Revitalization of Traditional Chinese Craftsmanship to protect and develop fine craftsmanship in old revolutionary base areas, areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and poverty-stricken areas.

4. 支持贫困地区深入挖掘民族文化、红色文化、乡土文化、非物质文化遗产特色资源。

It has supported poor areas to develop cultural resources with local characteristics, including ethnic culture, revolutionary sites, folk culture, and intangible cultural heritage.

5. 贫困地区优秀文化的保护传承,既促进了贫困群众增收致富,也延续了文脉、留住了乡愁。

Through the protection and promotion of cultural heritage in poor areas, the impoverished have gained additional income while retaining their cultural roots.

6. 在落实《2030年可持续发展议程》的过程中,若要真正不让任何一个人掉队,我们必须实现包括自闭症患者在内的所有残疾人的权利,确保他们充分参与社会、文化和经济生活。

To truly leave no one behind in pursuit of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, we must realize the rights of all persons with disabilities, including persons with autism, ensuring their full participation in social, cultural and economic life. 

7. 事实上,博物馆、剧院、演出场馆的长期关闭,以及音乐会或文化节日的取消,都让许多机构陷入不确定的状态。此外,该行业非正式就业和不稳定工作居多,也缺乏适当的社会保障,置身其中的艺术家和文化专业工作者往往因失去这些收入来源而陷入贫困。

Indeed, the extended closure of museums, theatres and concert halls and the cancellation of concerts and festivals have plunged many institutions into uncertainty. In a sector where employment is often informal and unstable, and in the absence of an appropriate social safety net, artists and culture professionals too often find themselves helpless in the face of the loss of income brought on by these circumstances.

8. 为了艺术在现在和未来得以生生不息,挑战是双重的:既要支持文化专业人员和文化机构,又要为所有人获取艺术创造条件。

The challenge of keeping art alive, now and in the future, is therefore twofold: to support culture professionals and cultural institutions, and to promote access to art for all.



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